Saj Industrial Group Quality Control Unit


Saj quality control unit has a quality control officer certified by the Standard and Industrial Research Department and according to the instructions for monitoring and measuring the product, as well as the description of her job duties, she performs her duties in the following stations: A - Control of imported materials and items B - Control during production C - Control of the final product as described below.(feminine)

Control of imported materials and items:

The following are observed in order to control the imported materials and items:

1- Notification to the quality control about the entry of items into the warehouse by sending the goods receipt by the storekeeper

2- The quality control affairs inspects the imported goods in accordance with the quality plans. The priority of recording results with non-conforming parts is recorded in the dimensional control results recording sheet.

3- If raw materials or incoming goods need to be analyzed, the quality control department will send samples to accredited laboratories outside the company. The method of sampling is given in the quality plans for each product. Therefore, the control of imported materials and items can include material analysis, tests related to mechanical properties or dimensional measurements.

4- After receiving the analysis sheet or mechanical test sheet, the quality control inspector compares the result with the standard and request. If approved, the goods receipt (warehouse receipt) is signed by the quality control inspector and the goods are allowed to be stored.

In cases where there are minor discrepancies with the analysis report and non-compliance regarding quality issues is not seen, the quality control affairs will issue permission to use the materials in the production process.

5- After the goods pass through the control channel of imported materials and items, the warehouseman will be obliged to install the raw material tracking and identification form on the imported cargo.

6- In exceptional circumstances, the imported materials and items may be released for emergency production before confirmation, the quality control inspector will make this possible by inserting "emergency release" in the tracking and identification forms so that in case of non-compliance with the specified requirements, it can be recalled and replaced immediately.

Control during production:

This instruction is compiled with the aim of revealing the non-compliance in each of the production stages to ensure the quality of the production. For this purpose, the following steps are considered to achieve this goal:

1- When the production starts, the initial parts are inspected by the quality control inspector. This control is done based on the quality plans prepared for each product. And the results are recorded in the relevant forms. If there is no discrepancy, the production will continue. In case of discrepancy, the non-conforming product identification sheet and report will be issued by the quality control inspector. In this case, in order to determine the assignment of the non-conforming product, the quality control affairs will act according to the implementation method of non-conforming product control.

In each of the stages, if there is a need to take corrective or preventive action, it is done according to the implementation method of corrective actions or the implementation method of preventive actions. After determining the task about the non-conforming product and taking corrective or preventive measures and removing the causes of non-conformity, the permission to continue production is issued by the quality control department.

2- Inspection using the definitions in the work method sheet (production technology) by the operators, and based on the quality plans by the quality control inspector in the defined periods and recording the results in the relevant forms. In any of the stages, if non-conformity is observed, the production is stopped and the work steps are repeated as in paragraph 1 until the causes of non-conformity are resolved.

3- Continue the production operations according to the work method by the production staff and continue the control operations according to the inspection plans for each product by the quality control inspector.

4- The non-conforming parts are transferred to the red box for non-conforming parts during the production process, and the quality control officer is obliged to separate the non-conforming parts once every two weeks.

The scrap parts should be transferred to the waste warehouse and the repair parts should be modified.

5- During the production operations, when the product is transferred to the semi-finished warehouse, after confirming the quality control of the parts, they get the warehouse permit. This is confirmed by the seal and signature of the quality control in the goods receipt form (warehouse receipt).

Final product control:

The purpose of this section of the directive is to ensure that all inspections and tests are performed on the product ready for release. For this purpose, the following steps are considered to reach this goal:

2- After the quality approval, the product gets permission to enter the warehouse. After finishing the packing process in the warehouse of the final product, the quality control affairs will control the packaging of the product ready to be sent. Controlled factors are defined in quality plans.

3- In case of detection of non-conformity by the packaging operator or detection of non-conformity by the quality control inspector, action will be taken according to the implementation method of non-conforming product control.

4- After the packing process, the product is ready to be sent. The packaging operator controls 100% of the product in terms of appearance and correct arrangement, according to the work method.

5- The packing operation and its control are carried out by the packing operator according to the work method in 100%. Quality controls are done randomly according to quality plans.

Presentation of product quality report (TEST REPORT):

When sending the initial samples of the parts to the customer, a quality report is also sent (if requested by the customer, especially car manufacturers). In this report, the items related to the analysis of raw materials, mechanical and metallurgical properties, and dimensional report and other special specifications are given if necessary. Preparation and regulation of TEST REPORT is done by the quality control officer.